Hi All. I am going to post some of my CHA pics but I have to tell you that I didn't get very many good pics. My camera died not even 1/4 of the way through the trade show. I could NOT believe it. Steph took a bunch of pics for me with her camera so I some of these are her's I am sharing with you. Thanks Steph.
OK----so are you really for photo overload? You are going to be so tired of looking at my face after this. Eeek.

When we first got to Anaheim on Friday we had only 1 hour before the Super Show (the retail part of the show) ended. We rushed over and I am so glad we did as we got to meet the Paper Craft editors. They were SO nice. This is Cath and Susan (sorry Kelly...I cut off your head). They are pointing at Kim's baby bump. That's right....she is prego with her 9th baby! Congrats again Kim!!

Jennifer, Kelly and Cath.
And looky....they had this great big poster of "my" magazine. Well mine, Tanis and Becky's magazine. Heehee. 
We got to spend more time perusing the retail booths and I got to chat for a bit with Karen Motz. Super fun. The Taylored Expressions booth was so pretty. The art work really blew Carly and I away.

Saturday night a group of us went out for dinner. Sorry I don't have a decent group shot of the table....and I am sure I'd be killed by a few people if I used the ones I have.
Tina (Travellingmama) arranged our group dinner. Tina....is AMAZING and I wish she lived next door to me. Tina....I think you need to travel yourself over to Canada! I loved every minute of visiting with you at dinner. Isn't Kelly (Lawn Fawn) ADORABLE?

After dinner some of us walked back to the hotel. This is Steph and Carly (the girls I traveled with to CHA) and of course Ashley. Steph is pointing at our Papertrey order which Courtney let us ship to her saving us about $50 in shipping and customs. Thanks girl!

Here's our little Ms Courtney (with Kelly)

Can you believe I got to meet 2 of my paper crafting idols....Jessica Witty and Teri Anderson. Jessica and I decided that we are long lost sisters. Don't you see the resemblance? heehee. I am thrilled that I can call these girls my friends.

Sorry for the blurry pic of Teri and I but it's all I have. If one of my friends has a better one I will change it out.

Here is me and my good buddy Michelle Woerner. She is such a good friend to me and we have alot of fun in our emails to each other.

Here is Maren Benedict. She is soooo nice. What a doll.

I know you won't believe this but we met THE Debbie Olson and she is exactly as amazing as she is on her blog.

AND last but not least Kimberly Crawford. I have been online friends with Kim since the beginning of our love affair with Papertrey. I believe that is about 3 years now. I still cannot believe we finally got to meet in person. Love you girlfriend.

Oh one more funny pic. Steph and Carly and I went to Target and here we are with our carts full waiting for a taxi cab back to the hotel. We don't have Target in Canada so can you blame us??
Well that's it for now. I hope you enjoyed having a little peek into our weekend in LA at CHA. We had a GREAT time. If you ever have a chance to go....take it. Have a great day everyone.