Hi Hi.....
Mike and I are sitting in a Motel in what seems like the middle of no where. Hanna, Alberta. We left home around 10:30am this morning and about 3 hours later we pulled in and decided to stay put. A pretty hefty snow storm went through last night and while it looks decent enough out there right now the roads are terrible.
The snow drifts are deep and rough. We saw many vehicles in the ditches ---some with people still in them. At the gas station a tow truck driver told us the roads for the next 1.5 hours were bad and if we hit the ditch we'd likely be there for the night. We have our little dogs with us so that's not an option for me.
Sooooo....while I'd much rather have made it to my mom and dad's today this is fine. And Thank Goodness for wireless internet. Or "interless wirenet" as I was calling it earlier---and Mike thought he was so funny making fun of me. lol.
The reason we are on the road is because the demo of our kitchen reno started today. My neighbor even emailed me today and said she saw them already throwing stuff into the dumpster. Awesome.
While I am sitting in this motel waiting for time to pass I thought I'd go ahead and share my mini cards I made for Jessica's 10 minute scrap challenge this past weekend.
The "petals" are actually the wings from Stampin Up's bird punch. I had several of them cut out already as well as a few vases. The "stem" is the branch from the same punch. Even the little hearts were in the bottom of my scrap pile. In order to make 4 of these mini cards I did end up punching out some more petals and vases....but all out of paper from my scrap pile.
I didn't time myself on how long it took to make these but they were easy and fun. Hope you likey.
Well it's around 5pm. I think I need to send Mike out to find us some dinner before everything in this small town closes. Oh...fun times for us!