One of my most favorite blogs is Kelleigh Ratzlaff Designs. Do you know her blog? Do you already subscribe to it? The girl is a total riot when she posts her grocery shopping deals that she gets using coupon. And boy are they deals. I can't believe how much free food she gets. We can't even get close to that kind of coupon usage here in Canada.
Anywho....back in January I found the EAT FROM THE PANTRY CHALLENGE through a link on Kelleigh's blog and it was perfect timing for me with the upcoming reno.....I needed to empty my cupboards!
So starting in January I did my own Eat from the Pantry AND Freezer challenge for about 2.5 months. I cannot get over how much money I saved and how much food I used up. All it took was a little planning ahead and thawing out what we had on hand rather than buying something on our way home from work.
During this process I tackled the pantry. I can't believe how much I had to throw away when I was cleaning it out because SO much was expired. It was a deep dark hole and a sorry excuse for a pantry.

For example: This cookie bar mix.....expired in March 2007.

This gum expired in April 2006. I can't even tell you how old those candy's were.

Here's another example of an out of control pantry. I had no idea that I even had 3 containers of Cocoa let alone Costco size ones.

Some other examples of what was thrown out:
Microwave Popcorn - Exp Jan 2008
Many many boxes of tea....every one of them stale.
Boxes of cookies - Exp March 2008
2 bags of Trail mix - Exp June 2006
Oreo baking crumbs - Exp Nov 2007
Jars of sauces
Boxes of instant oatmeal
SO SO SO much more!
Just check out the amount of packaging that went to recycling~~all from expired food. Seriously...what ever happened to me between 2006 & 2008 that I stopped using food in my house?!!

The amount of waste was so not a good feeling that I can't even tell you how much this has changed my way of thinking when I go grocery shopping now. I find I don't buy something unless I have plans for it. I won't buy something just because it's on sale and I certainly won't buy multiples. {{but having said that if I could shop like Kelleigh using the coupons I'd be ALL over that!}}. I now always have it in the back of my mind that I can use up what is at home. We tried some great new recipes and had some not so good meals (ick).

During the pack up for the reno I kept boxes nearby to put stuff in that was going to be donated. I think I have about 8 or 9 of these boxes that are destined to Goodwill.

However, I did change my mind and kept this casserole dish. I think my mom gave it to me and a girl can always use a casserole dish, right?

There you have it. A little peek into my reno preparation. So tell me......have you heard of the Eat From The Pantry challenge before? Will you give it a try? I say go for it. You will be amazed at how much money you save and it's super easy to find and try some new recipes.