Hi All. Do you ever just have those really lazy days and are like a walking zombie? I feel like that's me as I've been taking in all the reno finishing touches around here. But I am finally get around to my kitchen updates for you all. I'm going to be doing the last 3 weeks of kitchen reno in 2 separate posts.
In this first one I will share with you everything that was done while we were away and what we came home to after vaca. Then the next post will be End of Week 15 post {which is technically where we are at now} will follow shortly and that will include everything that's been taking place the last 4 days.
Remember we went home to Mike's family farm so that the floors could be finished on site? Well let me tell you it was worth all the giant mosquito bites we endured to come home to these incredible Walnut hardwood floors.
I totally love them. I won't lie...they don't look this good anymore because they are dusty and dirty now. I admit I'm worried about all the fine dust that covers them and what it's doing to the floors as people have been walking on them for the past week. I'm going to spend some time on Sunday doing a good vacuum and cleaning job on them.
Oh and don't look at the dust on the cupboards. I'm dieing to clean them but The Remodelers will be bringing in a cleaner once the job is done to do a full cleaning. I figure I'd better wait and see how they do it in case I leave some kind of streaks. Eeek. I have however vacuumed alot of the drawers and cupboards already which were badly in need.
Now as much as I love the hardwood I have to tell you I am IN LOVE with my counters. Seriously people these are heaven to me. Look at that WHITE WHITE WHITE goodness. I've been pretty protective of them and pulled out a bunch of sheets and blankets to cover them while the workers were here all week.
This wall of cabinets is complete now that the tall glass cabinet is in. This is going to be our bar area. I will put wine glasses here and anything to do with cocktails. The little drawer will hold misc stuff like bottle openers but I am not sure it's deep enough for our wine opener. Darn it. Bottles will go in the cabinet below. I truly love this cabinet. It makes me happy and it was our designer, Kimberly Sheppard's, idea to have it come all the way down and sit on the quartz. Genius!
Our closet doors. Oh how I love our closet doors!
Slight improvement over the mirror and brass sliding doors that were there before don't you think? I can hardly believe this is the same house.
And last but not least this is our tall skinny pull out pantry. It's next to the fridge and we needed it to allow the french doors of the fridge to open. This is one kick ass spice rack.
Well there ya have it. That is what we came home to and I had tears of joy. Really I did. I will work on my 2nd post and try to get it up on Sunday as I have a bunch more to share~~~~this is where I will fill you in on the good, bad and ugly. Stay tuned!