OK.....there's one thing you should know when buying Jadite/Jadeite and that is there are a bunch of fakes and reproductions out there. Buyer beware....says the girl who got duped. Steph and I were out at an Antiques and Collectibles show yesterday and it was alot of fun and there was some really neat things plus I got to learn a bunch too.
I came upon a table with a sea of green and oh my.....my heart started racing which probably clouded my judgement. I collect Jadite and I'm a lucky girl to have 159 pieces of Fire King Jadite already so I should know real Jadite when I see it. The problem is I haven't ever seen fake Jadite and I certainly have never seen the spice shakers and canisters before. So I dove in and came home with a bunch of pieces. AND THEN I researched. Smart right? Yeah, I know. Luckily, some of these pieces are the real deal but first let me show you the fake-ys.
These are (probably made in China) fakes of the Roman Arch spice shakers. There was an original set of 6 made and sold but they didn't have these names specifically and the font is slightly different. You should be able to click on all the pictures to make them bigger.

Here is a side view of the roman arch. Also see how shiny and new the lid is? Fake.

Next up are these ribbed shakers. I'll show you a real one side by side with the fake down below. The REAL 4 piece set has Salt, Pepper, Flour and Sugar in it and would sell for about $250. Check out this eBay set for sale.

Now how cute are these little square ones? So adorable. Is it bad to say that I still love all my fakes? The green is gorgeous. I may not display them with the real deal collection but I'm sure I'll find a way to use them either in my spice pantry or even my craft room. The ribbed ones above would make cute flower bud vases.

And the last fakes are these canister jars which will be easy to put to use. Love that little powdered sugar jar. The "grits" should have been a dead giveaway too. I think that is what can be called a "Fantasy" item. Meaning the people that make the fakes didn't even create it based on an original on the market but rather made it up. When I got home my hubby said everything is too shiney and new and he could tell none were real. For all the fake/reproductions I spent $115. That might seem like alot but it doesn't phase me since I still love them and still will use them. Of course I'd jump at the chance with replacing them with the real ones. Maybe some day.

Now onto the REAL Jadite that I made quite the score on. I paid $100 for all the items you see in the photo below. The 4x4 "leftover" or fridgies are listed for $35-40 each in my Jadite reference book. The TEA canister is listed for $175 - $200 but that would be in perfect shape. My lid is a bit banged up and the TEA font is faded slightly. The unmarked canister to the right is listed at $80. The extra lids are chippy but good to have just in case. The CEREAL canister is very heavy and I'm 97.5% sure it's real. I think that would be perfect used on the side of the stove for utensils like wooden spoons, spatulas etc.

The salt shaker is listed in the Jadite reference book at $50-$55 dollars. Below is a side by side comparison to the fake. The left one is absolutely real Jadite. Notice the lines around it are more defined? Also, besides the obvious difference in the shape and colour of the lids do you see the beaded rim on the neck of the bottle where the lid on the salt twists down to meet? That is missing on the fakes. The real one feels much heavier and has a more streamlined look about it. The colour is richer. I love everything about it.

So there you have it. My "not so Thrifty but I love them none-the-less Finds" of the weekend. The thrifty finds of the year are sure slowing down with Fall approaching. I have picked up a few things here and there over the summer weeks and I will show some of that in a post in the next couple of weeks. Do any of you collect Jadite? Have you ever come across the fakes or have some in your collection? Let me know if you have any questions about Jadite.

Have a great week everyone!
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