Merry Christmas Eve. Yep, I'm going to share a Thrifty Post today because it's mainly Christmas items and after tomorrow, well, I'm pretty sure I'd get some funny looks if I was posting Christmas decorations.
Speaking of funny looks I am going to first tell you how it is I actually have time to do a blog post when I should be freakin' out and getting everything ready for Christmas Day. Not long ago you might remember I mentioned that we were staying home this year and it was just going to be the 2 of us at home. {{We thought we would do Fondue.}} Well, it turns out my bachelor brothers in law are staying in town so they are coming over and I needed to figure out what to do for our dinner.
{{cue the angels singing}}.......TURKEY TO GO! OH. YES. WE. DID!

We ordered our entire Christmas dinner from a hotel here in Calgary!! All we have to do it pick it up at our chosen time slot and come home and serve it. And eat it! I cannot tell you how happy I am about this decision. I don't even care if it tastes like cardboard....but it won't. There was no way I was cooking for 4 people. I know it's not hard to cook a turkey but the dinner overall is ALOT of work whether it's 4 people or 14 people. My amazing hubby told me about it as a friend of his ordered this last year. I was literally jumping for joy once we placed our order.
Ok, moving's some of my Thrifty Finds and how I used them in my Christmas decorating this year.
The swinging doors I showed a couple weeks ago are used in a display on a ledge as you come in the front door. We don't have a mantle on our fireplace and this is the closest place I have to mimic a mantle. The swinging doors were $3.50 for both.

This wreath is HUGE. I paid $3 for it at a garage sale 2 summers ago. I bought a couple fake Poinsettias at Michael's and cut them apart to slip into the wreath for Christmas. In the spring I put in some birds and and a nest. Yep, that means the wreath just stays there all year round. I'm too lazy to take it down. I need to find a piece of furniture for that space.

I bought this little green dish at the thrift store on Thursday for $1.00. It's perfect for the Christmas cards we have received. I normally have them in a basket but I like this better. Oh and there are my musical bells. I hung them on my lamp rather than putting them in a window.

Ok are you ready for this cuteness?? My amazing friend Brenda totally GETS me! She bought this for me at Value Village for $9.99. She knew it had to come and live with me. I swear people I might go all Clark Griswold on you one of these years. I love him and he is so cool when all lit up!

I have been absolutely obsessed with looking for these vintage ceramic trees. I found the tiny one for $1.00. The bigger one below was half price so it was $1.50. Those were from the Mennonite Thrift store several weeks ago. Alot of the little "bulbs" are missing. I need to order some on eBay but don't you love the Lite Brite pieces that someone used? If that's not thrifty goodness, I don't know what is! LOL.

Here is where they are displayed in my living room. I'm not good at the whole vingette thing. I just put things out cuz I love to look at them. The green sleigh is one of my all time favorite vintage finds last year. I believe I paid about $2.50? The coloured glass balls are also vintage.

Here is the "find of the year" in my opinion. How appropriate that the find of the year is at the end of the year! Again.....let me tell you I am obsessed with these green ceramic trees. I thought I'd never find one. On Thursday I went to the Mennonite Thrift Store and immediately spotted this little tree on the floor. $4. Oh man.

Then I turned around and this larger one was lit up sitting by the cash register. I die. It said $7. I asked if I could buy it and they said yeppers! {{If you are a thrifter you know exactly how I felt that minute when I found the very item I've been dying to find and not only one but two!!}}
When I was at the cash register the lady grabbed a shopping basket and was trying to put these in it. I had no idea what she was doing but apparently there was a Christmas Basket Sale meaning that if an item did NOT fit in the basket it was half price. She said "that will be $4 dollars". I literally gasped and loudly said NO! Total? I'm still confused how it came to $4. I feel like I ripped off the charity thrift store. All I know is that it was like that IKEA commercial where the girl thinks she got such a good deal she runs out yelling "start the car" to her husband. Yep, that was me, except I was by myself.

Here they are displayed in a corner of my kitchen. I took the photo at night so it's really off colour but you get the idea.

I have really enjoyed decorating my house this year but the really BIG question is ......WHO IS GOING TO TAKE IT ALL DOWN???? OMG