Has it really been since March 23rd that I've posted my last Thrifty Finds? That is CRAZY! I have still been hitting the thrift stores 1-2 times a month but I didn't do the whole garage sale scene this year. If you can believe it I actually HAD a garage sale. Technically, my friend Wendy had the garage sale and I hauled a ton of junk over to her house to sell. It's amazing what will sell if you price it cheap enough. Seriously, a box of brass giraffes from the 80's was pretty much the first thing to sell. Unbelievable that they sold but even more unbelievable that I owned them in the first place.
OK, since I'm a glass jar junkie I thought I'd share some that I've purchased over the last few months. These candy jars with the wood lids were $3.99 each at Value Village. I have them in my craft room stuffed with zippers and miscellaneous items but I think I'd like to spray paint the lids and use them in my laundry room (which a little DIY action is being planned for). Won't they look super cute filled with wooden clothes pins etc.
On a trip to my parents recently we went to a community hall sale in a town that my sister has her cabin. I spotted this box of these amazing glass jars for $7.00. Not each. That's $7 for all 4 candy jars, people!! {{Only 3 had lids.}}
Here's the thing.....I already had 3 of these tall candy jars that I paid $15 each for at an antique and collectibles sale. Here is a picture of our little candy corner in my kitchen. I kept one of the jars above to fit across this space (for my straws) but I really had no place or use for the other 3 so I gave them to my friend Stephanie.
This little cotton jar is in my ensuite bathroom holding cotton pads for nail polish remover. It was $2.49.
Love these Hi-ball glasses. I've found about 6 or 7 at different thrift stores and they've not been more than $1 each. The glass jar lids were $1 for the bunch at the Mennonite Thrift store.
My mom got me these blue jars from a friend of hers. She knows I cannot resist a blue mason jar.
These jars were from the same friend of hers. She has a little shed on her property and it was filled with mason jars. Shelves and shelves of old jars. I picked out 8 of the most unique ones I could find. I am obsessed with using mason jars for everything. In fact, I dumped the pasta out of these to take the picture for you. I especially love the GEM jar and the Corona Jar. I've never seen those before and I have alot of jars! I have far too many old mason jars and I told Mike not to let me bring any more home ever again.....unless they are blue, of course. Hee.
Thanks for stopping by!!
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